Cut carbon emissions

The shipping industry is under increasing pressure to reduce carbon emissions. Maritime transportation is responsible for 3% of the world’s carbon emissions, so the industry is being pushed by governments, regulators and the wider society to improve. The IMO ambition is for the industry to reduce its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissons by 70% by 2050 compared to 2008 levels.

As part of the industry’s efforts to decarbonise, from January 2023, it was made mandatory for all ships to calculate their Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) to measure their energy efficiency and to start the collection of data for the reporting of their annual operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and CII rating. Read more here

Increasingly strict regulations related to carbon emissions have resulted in growing industry interest in different approaches to achieve the goal of zero emission vessels. Biofouling’s impact on emissions has been massively underestimated. According to a report from Glofouling in October 2022, protecting ships from biofouling would enable the industry to cut CO₂ emissions by as much as 19%. Many industry players have also recognised the value of advanced hull performance solutions to cut emissions and started to focus on the role of biofouling management as a way of improving environmental performance. According to a study released by the IMO, biofouling is indirectly responsible for about 79 million tons of CO₂ per year. A clean hull has a major impact on reducing emissions.

Committed to decarbonisation

These regulatory and business incentives have created rising demand for our products and solutions in hull performance. As for emissions, Jotun has calculated that in 2023 alone, customers using Jotun Hull Performance Solutions have resulted in about 10.4 million tonnes of avoided emissions.

Launched in 2011, HPS includes SeaQuantum X200, a premium antifouling, and tools to document hull and propeller performance. Data from vessels is collected using on-board sensors in accordance with the international ISO 19030 standard. With increasingly strict global and regional regulations targeting emissions from ships, documentation is not just a benefit, it is a necessity.

Jotun Hull Skating Solutions delivers a permanently clean hull and helps ship operators combat early-stage fouling, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Jotun Hull Skating Solutions is a holistic approach to battling the effects of ship fouling and is designed for the most challenging conditions.

A clean hull results in no drag, no need to power up to compensate for speed loss and thereby avoid burning extra fuel, resulting in a 19% reduction in CO₂ emissions (according to a report from Glofouling in October 2022). At Jotun, we recognize that advanced hull coatings alone cannot decarbonize shipping. But we believe that HPS, and our other antifouling products and services, play an important role in helping owners and operators improve performance and lower emission significantly over time.


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Our products and solutions

Antifouling products

For close to 100 years, Jotun has provided products to keep ship hulls clean from biofouling. Our ambition is to provide our customers with the best possible products to assure efficient and reliable operations.

swimmer in ocean

Su Altı Performans Çözümleri

Gemi Su Altı Performans Çözümleri (HPS), operatörlerin gemi su altı alanı performansını en üst düzeye çıkarmasını ve bu sayede yakıt maliyetlerini ve sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmasını kolaylaştırır.

3D-rendered graphic of Jotun's HullSkater robot

Hull Skating Çözümleri

Jotun'un Hull Skating Çözümleri, en zorlu faaliyetlerde bile gemi gövdesini her zaman temiz tutmak için proaktif temizlemeden faydalanır.

HullKeeper - vessel


HullKeeper, optimize edilmiş gemi gövdesi performansı için çeşitli hizmetlere sağlayarak daha hızlı, daha iyi kararlar almanıza olanak tanır.